Hair Restoration Treatments: A Boon for Hair Loss Sufferers

Whether snaps on a dating app or a selfie on Instagram or even a corporate profile picture on LinkedIn, keeping a youthful guise has become an extremely critical requirement of today’s modern world. Youngsters have now become more concerned about their looks than ever before. But today, people are going into a serious relationship much later as compared to 20 or 30 years ago. The busy lifestyle of today’s generation makes men to look for a companion almost late in their 30s, which makes male pattern baldness more of a serious issue, as it tends to begin between the ages of 20 and 25.

According to a survey, male pattern baldness impacts around half of men above the age of 50, while about half of women above the age of 65 fall a victim of female pattern baldness. But surprisingly, many people hardly have any knowledge about the molecular techniques that reinforce human hair growth and help restoration of hair.

Each and every hair follicle on the human scalp is a tiny organ, which undergoes through a unique rhythmic growth cycle. With the growing age of a person, some of these hair follicles start being sensitive to hormones on the scalp, particularly dihydrotestosterone or DHT, which binds to the follicles and miniaturizes them until they no longer produce visible hair. However, even in the age of internet, people hardly know anything about how this miniaturization process happens, or how to prevent it.

Currently, there is no any particular drug to help stop hair loss, but cosmetic surgery has been observed as the best option to overcome this problem. Since past two decades hair transplant treatments have been seen as a ray of light for the hair loss sufferers. In this treatment, hair follicles are taken from DHT-resistant “donor areas” at the back and sides of the scalp, and are relocated to cover up bald patches.

The increase in bald population across the globe has been a major factor driving the global hair restoration services market. Also, as per a report by Big Market Research, the global hair restoration services market is expected to reach $12,119.4 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 4.6% from 2019 to 2026. A lot of cosmetic surgery clinics are offering different hair transplant treatments. Some of the leading players in the hair transplant industry are iGrow Laser, Cole Hair Transplant Group, Direct Hair Implantation International, Bernstein Medical, Bosley Inc., Elite Hair Restoration, Lexington Intl., LLC, National Hair Centers, NeoGraft, and others. The growing innovations in the field of cosmetic surgery are bringing up lot of surgical options to treat hair loss problems, making the hair restoration treatments quite popular all over the world.

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