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Global Angle Grinder Industry 2016 Deep Market Research Report

  • QYR385896
  • 182 Pages
  • January 2016
  • Machines
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The Global Angle Grinder Industry 2016 Deep Market Research Report is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Angle Grinder industry.

Firstly, the report provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure. The Angle Grinder market analysis is provided for the international market including development history, competitive landscape analysis, and major regions’ development status.

Secondly, development policies and plans are discussed as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures. This report also states import/export, supply and consumption figures as well as cost, price, revenue and gross margin by regions (United States, EU, China and Japan) , and other regions can be added.

Then, the report focuses on global major leading industry players with information such as company profiles, product picture and specification, production, price, cost, revenue and contact information. Upstream raw materials, equipment and downstream consumers analysis is also carried out. What’s more, the Angle Grinder industry development trends and marketing channels are analyzed.

Finally, the feasibility of new investment projects is assessed, and overall research conclusions are offered.

In a word, the report provides major statistics on the state of the industry and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the market.

Table Of Contents

1 Industry Overview of Angle Grinder 1

1.1 Definition and Specifications of Angle Grinder 1

1.1.1 Definition of Angle Grinder 1

1.1.2 Specifications of Angle Grinder 1

1.2 Classification of Angle Grinder 2

1.2.1 Classification of Angle Grinder by Energy (Electric and Pneumatic) 2

1.2.2 Classification of Angle Grinder by the Size of Grinder Disc (4-1/2, 5 & 6’’ Grinders, 7-9’’ Grinders and Others) 5

1.3 Applications of Angle Grinder 6

1.3.1 Metal Processing 8

1.3.2 Wood Processing 9

1.3.3 Construction 10

1.4 Industry Chain Structure of Angle Grinder 11

1.5 Industry Overview and Major Regions Status of Angle Grinder 11

1.5.1 Industry Overview of Angle Grinder 11

1.5.2 Global Major Regions Status of Angle Grinder 12

1.6 Industry Policy Analysis of Angle Grinder 12

1.7 Industry News Analysis of Angle Grinder 14

2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Angle Grinder 17

2.1 Raw Material Suppliers and Price Analysis of Angle Grinder 17

2.2 Equipment Suppliers and Price Analysis of Angle Grinder 17

2.3 Labor Cost Analysis of Angle Grinder 18

2.4 Other Costs Analysis of Angle Grinder 20

2.5 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Angle Grinder 22

2.6 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Angle Grinder 22

3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Angle Grinder 23

3.1 Production and Commercial Production Date of Global Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2015 23

3.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2015 23

3.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of Global Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2015 24

3.4 Raw Materials Sources Analysis of Global Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2015 25

4 Capacity, Production and Revenue Analysis of Angle Grinder by Regions, Types and Manufacturers 26

4.1 Global Revenue and Production of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 26

4.2 Global and Major Regions Revenue, Production and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 30

4.3 Global Revenue and Production of Angle Grinder by Types 2011-2016 35

4.4 Global Revenue and Production of Angle Grinder by Manufacturers 2011-2016 38

5 Price, Cost, Gross and Gross Margin Analysis of Angle Grinder by Regions, Types and Manufacturers 44

5.1 Price, Cost, Gross and Gross Margin Analysis of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 44

5.2 Price Analysis of Angle Grinder by Types 2011-2016 48

5.3 Price, Cost, Gross and Gross Margin Analysis of Angle Grinder by Manufacturers 2011-2016 49

6 Consumption Volume, Consumption Value and Sale Price Analysis of Angle Grinder by Regions, Types and Applications 54

6.1 Global Consumption Volume and Consumption Value of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 54

6.2 Global and Major Regions Consumption Volume, Consumption Value and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 58

6.3 Global Consumption Volume and Consumption Value of Angle Grinder by Applications 2011-2016 63

6.4 Sale Price of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 66

6.5 Sale Price of Angle Grinder by Types 2011-2016 66

6.6 Sale Price of Angle Grinder by Applications 2011-2016 67

7 Supply, Import, Export and Consumption Analysis of Angle Grinder 69

7.1 Supply, Consumption and Gap of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 69

7.2 Global Production, Price, Cost, Revenue of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 70

7.3 North America Production, Price, Cost, Revenue, Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 70

7.4 Europe Production, Price, Cost, Revenue, Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 71

7.5 China Production, Price, Cost, Revenue, Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 72

7.6 Japan Production, Price, Cost, Revenue, Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 72

8 Major Manufacturers Analysis of Angle Grinder 74

8.1 Bosch 74

8.1.1 Company Profile 74

8.1.2 Product Picture and Specifications 75

8.1.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 77

8.1.4 Contact Information 78

8.2 Stanley Black & Decker 79

8.2.1 Company Profile 79

8.2.2 Product Picture and Specifications 80

8.2.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 83

8.2.4 Contact Information 84

8.3 Makita 84

8.3.1 Company Profile 84

8.3.2 Product Picture and Specifications 85

8.3.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 86

8.3.4 Contact Information 88

8.4 TTI 88

8.4.1 Company Profile 88

8.4.2 Product Picture and Specifications 89

8.4.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 91

8.4.4 Contact Information 93

8.5 Hitachi 93

8.5.1 Company Profile 93

8.5.2 Product Picture and Specifications 94

8.5.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 95

8.5.4 Contact Information 96

8.6 Hilti 96

8.6.1 Company Profile 96

8.6.2 Product Picture and Specifications 97

8.6.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 98

8.6.4 Contact Information 99

8.7 Wurth 99

8.7.1 Company Profile 99

8.7.2 Product Picture and Specifications 101

8.7.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 101

8.7.4 Contact Information 103

8.8 Fein 103

8.8.1 Company Profile 103

8.8.2 Product Picture and Specifications 105

8.8.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 106

8.8.4 Contact Information 107

8.9 Dongcheng Tools 107

8.9.1 Company Profile 107

8.9.2 Product Picture and Specifications 108

8.9.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 109

8.9.4 Contact Information 111

8.10 Positec Machinery 111

8.10.1 Company Profile 111

8.10.2 Product Picture and Specifications 111

8.10.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 112

8.10.4 Contact Information 114

8.11 Devon 114

8.11.1 Company Profile 114

8.11.2 Product Picture and Specifications 115

8.11.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 115

8.11.4 Contact Information 117

8.12 Ken Tools 117

8.12.1 Company Profile 117

8.12.2 Product Picture and Specifications 118

8.12.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 118

8.12.4 Contact Information 120

8.13 Guoqiang Tools 120

8.13.1 Company Profile 120

8.13.2 Product Picture and Specifications 121

8.13.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 122

8.13.4 Contact Information 123

8.14 Boda 123

8.14.1 Company Profile 123

8.14.2 Product Picture and Specifications 124

8.14.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 125

8.14.4 Contact Information 126

8.15 Bosun 127

8.15.1 Company Profile 127

8.15.2 Product Picture and Specifications 127

8.15.3 Production, Price, Cost, Gross and Revenue 128

8.15.4 Contact Information 130

9 Marketing Trader or Distributor Analysis of Angle Grinder 131

9.1 Marketing Channels Status of Angle Grinder 131

9.2 Traders or Distributors with Contact Information of Angle Grinder by Regions 131

9.3 Ex-work Price, Channel Price and End Buyer Price Analysis of Angle Grinder 132

9.4 Regional Import, Export and Trade Analysis of Angle Grinder 132

10 Industry Chain Analysis of Angle Grinder 133

10.1 Upstream Major Raw Materials Suppliers Analysis of Angle Grinder 133

10.1.1 Major Raw Materials Suppliers with Contact Information Analysis of Angle Grinder 133

10.1.2 Major Raw Materials Suppliers with Supply Volume Analysis of Angle Grinder by Regions 133

10.2 Upstream Major Equipment Suppliers Analysis of Angle Grinder 134

10.2.1 Major Equipment Suppliers with Contact Information Analysis of Angle Grinder 134

10.2.2 Major Equipment Suppliers with Product Pictures Analysis of Angle Grinder by Regions 135

10.3 Downstream Major Consumers of Angle Grinder 135

10.4 Supply Chain Relationship Analysis of Angle Grinder 136

11 Development Trend of Analysis of Angle Grinder 137

11.1 Revenue and Production Forecast of Angle Grinder by Regions and Types 137

11.1.1 Global Revenue and Production of Angle Grinder by Regions 2016-2021 137

11.1.2 Global and Major Regions Revenue, Production and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 140

11.1.3 Global Revenue and Production of Angle Grinder by Types 2016-2021 145

11.2 Consumption Volume and Consumption Value Forecast of Angle Grinder by Regions, Types and Applications 148

11.2.1 Global Consumption Volume and Consumption Value of Angle Grinder by Regions 2016-2021 148

11.2.2 Global and Major Regions Consumption Volume, Consumption Value and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 151

11.2.3 Global Consumption Volume and Consumption Value of Angle Grinder by Applications 2016-2021 156

11.3 Production, Price, Cost, Revenue Forecast of Angle Grinder 159

11.3.1 Global Production, Price, Cost, Revenue of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 159

11.3.2 North America Production, Price, Cost, Revenue of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 160

11.3.3 Europe Production, Price, Cost, Revenue of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 160

11.3.4 China Production, Price, Cost, Revenue of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 160

11.3.5 Japan Production, Price, Cost, Revenue of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 161

12 New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis of Angle Grinder 162

12.1 New Project SWOT Analysis of Angle Grinder 162

12.2 New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis of Angle Grinder 162

13 Conclusion of the Global Angle Grinder Industry 2016 Market Research Report 164
List Of Tables and Figures

Figure Picture of Angle Grinder 1

Table Comparison of Main Models from Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers 1

Table Specification Comparison of Different Types of Angle Grinder 2

Figure Electric Angle Grinder Picture 3

Table Major Manufacturers of Electric Angle Grinder 3

Figure Pneumatic Angle Grinder Picture 5

Table Major Manufacturers of Pneumatic Angle Grinder 5

Table Classification of Angle Grinder by the Size of Grinder Disc 5

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder by the Size of Grinder Disc in 2015 6

Table Applications of Angle Grinder 6

Figure Global Consumption Volume Market Share of Angle Grinder by Applications in 2015 7

Figure Metal Processing Examples 8

Table Major Consumers of Metal Processing 8

Figure Wood Processing Examples 9

Table Major Consumers of Wood Processing 9

Figure Construction Examples 10

Table Major Consumers of Construction 10

Figure Industry Chain Structure of Angle Grinder 11

Table Global Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers 11

Table Global Major Regions Angle Grinder Development Status in 2015 12

Table Industry Policy of Angle Grinder 12

Table Industry News List of Angle Grinder 14

Table Raw Material Suppliers and Price Analysis 17

Table Equipment Suppliers and Price Analysis 17

Figure APAC Overview of Average Monthly Labor Cost in 2015 18

Figure Americas Overview of Average Monthly Labor Cost in 2015 19

Figure EMEA Overview of Average Monthly Labor Cost in 2015 19

Figure USA Employment Cost Index (ECI) 2010-2015 20

Figure Coal Monthly Price Analysis 2010-2015 21

Figure Crude Oil (petroleum) Monthly Price Analysis 2010-2015 21

Figure Natural Gas Price Analysis 2010-2015 21

Table Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Angle Grinder in 2015 22

Figure Manufacturing Process Analysis of Angle Grinder 22

Table Production (K Units) and Commercial Production Date of Global Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2015 23

Table Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2015 23

Table R&D Status and Technology Source of Global Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2015 24

Table Raw Materials Sources Analysis of Global Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2015 25

Table Global Revenue (M USD) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 26

Figure Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2011 26

Figure Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2015 27

Table Global Production (K Units) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 27

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2011 28

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2015 29

Figure Global Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 30

Figure Global Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 30

Figure North America Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 31

Figure North America Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 31

Figure Europe Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 32

Figure Europe Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 32

Figure China Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 33

Figure China Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 33

Figure Japan Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 34

Figure Japan Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 34

Table Global Revenue (M USD) of Angle Grinder by Types 2011-2016 35

Figure Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder by Types in 2011 35

Figure Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder by Types in 2015 36

Table Global Production (K Units) of Angle Grinder by Types 2011-2016 36

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder by Types in 2011 37

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder by Types in 2015 37

Table Global and Major Manufacturers Revenue (M USD) of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 38

Table Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers 2011-2016 38

Figure Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2011 39

Figure Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2015 40

Table Global and Major Manufacturers Production (K Units) of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 40

Table Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers 2011-2016 41

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2011 42

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder Major Manufacturers in 2015 43

Table Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 44

Figure Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2015 45

Table Cost (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 45

Figure Cost (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2015 46

Table Gross (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 46

Figure Gross (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2015 47

Table Gross Margin of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 47

Figure Gross Margin of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2015 48

Table Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Types 2011-2016 48

Figure Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Types in 2015 49

Table Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Manufacturers 2011-2016 49

Figure Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Manufacturers in 2015 50

Table Cost (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Manufacturers 2011-2016 50

Figure Cost (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Manufacturers in 2015 51

Table Gross (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Manufacturers 2011-2016 51

Figure Gross (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Manufacturers in 2015 52

Table Gross Margin of Angle Grinder by Manufacturers 2011-2016 52

Figure Gross Margin of Angle Grinder by Manufacturers in 2015 53

Table Global Consumption Volume (K Units) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 54

Figure Global Consumption Volume Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2011 55

Figure Global Consumption Volume Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2015 55

Table Global Consumption Value (M USD) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 56

Figure Global Consumption Value Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2011 56

Figure Global Consumption Value Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2015 57

Figure Global Consumption Volume (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 58

Figure Global Consumption Value (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 58

Figure North America Consumption Volume (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 59

Figure North America Consumption Value (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 59

Figure Europe Consumption Volume (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 60

Figure Europe Consumption Value (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 60

Figure China Consumption Volume (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 61

Figure China Consumption Value (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 61

Figure Japan Consumption Volume (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 62

Figure Japan Consumption Value (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 62

Table Global Consumption Volume (K Units) of Angle Grinder by Applications 2011-2016 63

Figure Global Consumption Volume Market Share of Angle Grinder by Applications in 2011 63

Figure Global Consumption Volume Market Share of Angle Grinder by Applications in 2015 64

Table Global Consumption Value (M USD) of Angle Grinder by Applications 2011-2016 64

Figure Global Consumption Value Market Share of Angle Grinder by Applications in 2011 65

Figure Global Consumption Value Market Share of Angle Grinder by Applications in 2015 65

Table Sale Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2011-2016 66

Figure Sale Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2015 66

Table Sale Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Types 2011-2016 66

Figure Sale Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Types in 2015 67

Table Sale Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Applications 2011-2016 67

Figure Sale Price (USD/Unit) of Angle Grinder by Applications in 2015 68

Table Global Supply, Consumption and Gap of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 (K Units) 69

Table North America Supply, Consumption and Gap of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 (K Units) 69

Table Europe Supply, Consumption and Gap of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 (K Units) 69

Table China Supply, Consumption and Oversupply of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 (K Units) 69

Table Japan Supply, Consumption and Gap of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 (K Units) 70

Table Global Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 70

Table North America Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 70

Table North America Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 (K Units) 71

Table Europe Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 71

Table Europe Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 (K Units) 71

Table China Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 72

Table China Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 (K Units) 72

Table Japan Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 72

Table Japan Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Angle Grinder 2011-2016 (K Units) 73

Table Bosch Information List 74

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Bosch 75

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Bosch 2011-2016 77

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Bosch 2011-2016 78

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Bosch 2011-2016 78

Table Stanley Black & Decker Information List 79

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Stanley Black & Decker 80

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Stanley Black & Decker 2011-2016 83

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Stanley Black & Decker 2011-2016 83

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Stanley Black & Decker 2011-2016 84

Table Makita Information List 84

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Makita 85

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Makita 2011-2016 86

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Makita 2011-2016 87

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Makita 2011-2016 87

Table TTI Information List 88

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of TTI 89

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of TTI 2011-2016 91

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of TTI 2011-2016 92

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of TTI 2011-2016 92

Table Hitachi Information List 93

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Hitachi 94

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Hitachi 2011-2016 95

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Hitachi 2011-2016 95

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Hitachi 2011-2016 96

Table Hilti Information List 96

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Hilti 97

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Hilti 2011-2016 98

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Hilti 2011-2016 98

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Hilti 2011-2016 99

Table Wurth Information List 99

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Wurth 101

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Wurth 2011-2016 101

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Wurth 2011-2016 102

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Wurth 2011-2016 103

Table Fein Information List 103

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Fein 105

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Fein 2011-2016 106

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Fein 2011-2016 106

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Fein 2011-2016 107

Table Dongcheng Tools Information List 107

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Dongcheng Tools 108

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Dongcheng Tools 2011-2016 109

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Dongcheng Tools 2011-2016 110

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Dongcheng Tools 2011-2016 110

Table Positec Machinery Information List 111

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Positec Machinery 111

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Positec Machinery 2011-2016 112

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Positec Machinery 2011-2016 113

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Positec Machinery 2011-2016 113

Table Devon Information List 114

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Devon 115

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Devon 2011-2016 115

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Devon 2011-2016 116

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Devon 2011-2016 116

Table Ken Tools Information List 117

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Ken Tools 118

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Ken Tools 2011-2016 118

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Ken Tools 2011-2016 119

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Ken Tools 2011-2016 119

Table Guoqiang Tools Information List 120

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Guoqiang Tools 121

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Guoqiang Tools 2011-2016 122

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Guoqiang Tools 2011-2016 122

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Guoqiang Tools 2011-2016 123

Table Boda Information List 123

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Boda 124

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Boda 2011-2016 125

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Boda 2011-2016 126

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Boda 2011-2016 126

Table Bosun Information List 127

Figure Angle Grinder Picture and Specifications of Bosun 127

Table Angle Grinder Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Gross (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Bosun 2011-2016 128

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Bosun 2011-2016 129

Figure Angle Grinder Production (K Units) and Global Market Share of Bosun 2011-2016 129

Figure Marketing Channels of Angle Grinder 131

Table Traders or Distributors with Contact Information of Angle Grinder by Regions 131

Table Ex-work Price, Channel Price and End Buyer Price of Angle Grinder (USD/Unit) 132

Table Regional Import, Export, and Trade of Angle Grinder (K Units) 132

Table Major Raw Materials Suppliers with Contact Information of Angle Grinder 133

Table Major Raw Materials Suppliers with Product Picture of Angle Grinder by Regions 133

Table Major Equipment Suppliers with Contact Information of Angle Grinder 134

Table Major Equipment Suppliers with Product Pictures of Angle Grinder by Regions 135

Table Major Consumers with Contact Information of Angle Grinder 135

Figure Supply Chain Relationship Analysis of Angle Grinder 136

Table Global Revenue (M USD) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2016-2021 137

Figure Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2016 137

Figure Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2021 138

Table Global Production (K Units) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2016-2021 138

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2016 139

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2021 139

Figure Global Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 140

Figure Global Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 140

Figure North America Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 141

Figure North America Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 141

Figure Europe Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 142

Figure Europe Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 142

Figure China Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 143

Figure China Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 143

Figure Japan Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 144

Figure Japan Production (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 144

Table Global Revenue (M USD) of Angle Grinder by Types 2016-2021 145

Figure Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder by Types in 2016 145

Figure Global Revenue Market Share of Angle Grinder by Types in 2021 146

Table Global Production (K Units) of Angle Grinder by Types 2016-2021 146

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder by Types in 2016 147

Figure Global Production Market Share of Angle Grinder by Types in 2021 147

Table Global Consumption Volume (K Units) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2016-2021 148

Figure Global Consumption Volume Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2016 148

Figure Global Consumption Volume Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2021 149

Table Global Consumption Value (M USD) of Angle Grinder by Regions 2016-2021 149

Figure Global Consumption Value Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2016 150

Figure Global Consumption Value Market Share of Angle Grinder by Regions in 2021 150

Figure Global Consumption Volume (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 151

Figure Global Consumption Value (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 152

Figure North America Consumption Volume (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 152

Figure North America Consumption Value (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 153

Figure Europe Consumption Volume (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 153

Figure Europe Consumption Value (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 154

Figure China Consumption Volume (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 154

Figure China Consumption Value (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 155

Figure Japan Consumption Volume (K Units) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 155

Figure Japan Consumption Value (M USD) and Growth Rate of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 156

Table Global Consumption Volume (K Units) of Angle Grinder by Applications 2016-2021 156

Figure Global Consumption Volume Market Share of Angle Grinder by Applications in 2016 157

Figure Global Consumption Volume Market Share of Angle Grinder by Applications in 2021 157

Table Global Consumption Value (M USD) of Angle Grinder by Applications 2016-2021 158

Figure Global Consumption Value Market Share of Angle Grinder by Applications in 2016 158

Figure Global Consumption Value Market Share of Angle Grinder by Applications in 2021 159

Table Global Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 159

Table North America Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 160

Table Europe Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 160

Table China Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 160

Table Japan Production (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Angle Grinder 2016-2021 161

Table New Project SWOT Analysis of Angle Grinder 162

Table New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis of Angle Grinder 162

Table Part of Interviewees Record List 165

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