Car Electronics

The market for car electronics is fast changing dominated by trends such as the use of compact and lightweight materials, high miniaturization, intelligence features and innovative electrification mechanism. Automotive manufacturers and OEMs incorporate high-end sensors features and display technologies that will increase the capability of car electronics as well as transform the drivers experience in terms of safety and infotainment. Big Market Research Reports offer extensive insights into current and emerging technology trends, changing key market dynamics, developments related to enhancing the in-car experience and the strategies of key market players to expand their market presence. Insights into various product offerings in the connected car segment such as display technologies and apps that will offer a competitive edge to automakers are covered in detail. The reports analyze the competitive landscape scenario in terms of mergers and acquisitions, takeovers and market consolidation models of key market players.

No of Reports 121

Global Automotive Drive Recorder Consumption Industry 2016 Deep Market Research Report

The Global Automotive Drive Recorder Consumption Industry 2016 Deep Market Research Report is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Automotive Drive Recorder market. First, the report provides a basic overview of the Automotive Drive Recorder industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure. And development policies and plans are...

  • Publish Date: February 29, 2016
  • $4000